Move in day...
So the big day is almost here, for most of you this year it'll be Saturday 7th September although if it's a little later don't worry, you won't miss too much. You will remember this day. For most of you it's the first time you'll live alone. It may be the first day of a year that changes everything for you. The picture on the right was me on my move in day, and below it is me at the end (don't worry, you don't have to grow a beard!). A hell of a lot changed in that year. It may also be the first time you've lived anywhere but the house you grew up in (for me it certainly was). And for some of you, you may be about to be left in an entirely different country from the one you grew up in where all the people speak with stranger Shrek accents (okay we don't all sound like that but you get the idea). It may also be the first day of a year that changes everything. The picture on the right was me on my move in day, and below it is me at the end -...